I found this beautiful artwork of the Archangel Haniel on the web a few years back and used it as my Facebook profile picture on and off. Haniel is my favorite Archangel because there is so many cool stories that people have written about this angel.
The Archangel Haniel “meaning the joy of God” appears as strong deep green, turquoise, or blue white light and is viewed to be primarily feminine energy, though angels have no true gender. When taking on a human form Haniel usually is described as appearing as a beautiful woman, sometimes carrying a light source or a rose. Haniel will also appear as a handsome man on certain occasions. Though, I like to imagine her in the female form myself.
In Judaism, Haniel is one of the chief angels that reign over the classes of angels called the principalities (that watch over all the nations of the world) and the virtues (that inspire people to create great art and generate great scientific discoveries.) In Kabbalah she is in charge of “Netzach” (victory) on the Tree of Life. Haniel is also called the “Angel of Joy” because being around her brings people deep happiness and a re-connection to God.
Other spellings and names the Archangel Haniel is known by are Hanael, Haneal, Hamael, Aniel, Anafiel, Anaphiel, Omoel, Onoel, and Simiel.
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